Strange Days have found us.

Strange days have found us.

Still one of the few bands I can think of that had a keyboard bass. These times can feel as dark as that Doors song. We have been at a wild party on a train at full throttle. Too much. Too fast. Is that the way we measure our worth or success? When talking with friends about goals in life, I find myself saying this: I want to grow small. That may not be exactly what I mean. What I think I really want is to cultivate a simpler, more manageable life that takes care of the human part. That recognizes spaces. I am a student of songwriting and a big Bacharach fan. That song Herb Alpert sang, This Guys in Love with You. One of the things I love about that song is the completely empty space in the middle. We need intervals to give us pause but the merry go round we ride to achieve our “more” does not allow for stopping. We must go faster. In the end it’s like we went to all this trouble and didn’t go very far and the most we get is tired and unfulfilled. My ambition is about the same as when I was in college discovering watercolor in first period Monday, Wednesday, Friday – I want to become a better painter. I want to find out what my best is. I am lucky to have made it this far but luckier to have found a life with someone I love. She helps me find my spaces and spaces are important. Spaces help me to appreciate the things. If we don’t choose to slow our lives down to a human pace, life may go ahead and slow it down for us.

Just thinking while drinking coffee this morning before I start my stuff. Today my stuff consists of cutting the grass and doing a painting.

Stay healthy.

– Wyatt

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